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Our CRM system is a system that helps to manage customer information. To help support sales, marketing, professional services. Include communication with customers to achieve their desired objectives, such as increasing sales or leads, organizing targeted campaigns, organizing product promotions, meeting customer meetings, Email delivery targeted promotion
CRM data storage system Customers and databases are used to conduct business. Learn the needs of your customers. Store behavior Consumption or demand of customers We can add storage fields as needed. This makes it possible to store the necessary information on the service. Fully To make Employees can work quickly, comfortably, find or filter data easily. Available in several languages ​​and also available unlimited User defined access permissions. Because customer information is important for serving and offering products to the point. Satisfy customers. It also helps to add value to customers. And business is trustworthy as well as trustworthy. Customers do not change. From our product or service.
The executives will be able to view a variety of reports, such as Pie Chart Line Chart, Bar Chart or Pivot table, to analyze the sales forecast. Or to improve service.